Billings Community Education Online Medical Classes | Take A Music Class!
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Take A Music Class!

04 Feb Take A Music Class!

Have you ever wanted to learn to play an instrument? Or maybe you learned to play music when you were young, but you haven’t picked up the hobby since? Well, Billings Community Adult Education offers courses in both guitar and piano/keyboard.

Why Would I Take a Music Class?

Did you know that learning an instrument both strengthens memory and bolsters reading skills? It’s true, and it works for the young and the old alike. And it increases the grey matter in the brain—the part of the brain composed of most of the neuronal cell bodies. Also, for people who enjoy it, playing music is therapeutic. It reduces stress and anxiety. And it’s a great way to be social, because you will meet new people with similar interests.

Types of Music Classes Offered through B.A.C

Acoustic Guitar for Beginners. Taught by instructor Tim Castro, the course will focus on basic guitar concepts. Students will be taught the parts of the guitar, as well as how to pick and strum the strings. Students will also learn to play the basic cords, and even how to play simple songs. The only required materials are an acoustic guitar and twenty dollars for a book.

Acoustic Guitar for Intermediate Players. Taught by Tim Castro, students will learn more advanced guitar concepts such as Major, 7th, and how to play the minor cords. Students will learn how to read basic music and scales. There will also be instruction on guitar tabs and songs. To take the intermediate course, students should have a basic understanding of guitar and know how to play the basic cords; students should also understand the technique of strumming.

Blues Guitar. Students will be taught basic blues chord progressions and scales. Technical skills include hammer on and pull off, vibrato, and both slides and bends.

Keyboard/Piano. This is an introduction to playing the piano/keyboard. The course will focus on the basics of music, and include both audio and visual aids, and hands-on use of the piano/keyboard. This is a beginner’s course, with a relaxed atmosphere. There are no required materials, but students will be given handouts.

Call Billings Community Education Online to sign up today!

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