Billings Community Education Online Medical Classes | Music
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07 Feb Music

Have you ever wanted to learn to play an instrument? Did you play an instrument when you were younger, but school or work took over your adult schedule and you quit? Maybe it’s time to pick up an instrument. Playing music is a wonderful hobby that can enrich your...

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14 Aug The Arts:

We often talk about the terrific career advancement and certificate programs offered through the Billings Community Adult Education Program and for good reason. But what you may not yet know is that the catalogue is also chock-full of courses on art and personal enrichment. If...

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03 Aug Why Should You Take a Hobby Class?

It can be difficult, especially when life is busy, to do something only for the sake of enrichment. It’s easier to stick to the things we know, and the types of things we already do; it’s easier to be in routine. But did you know...

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