07 Apr Teach A Class
Members of a community benefit from a diversity of skills. So, if you are someone who has a particular skill and has developed the idea to build a class based around that particular skill, and believe that the class you’ve developed would benefit our community, then you may want to consider proposing the class as an offering within the Billings Adult Community Education’s catalog. You can find the form to propose your class at the Lincoln Center, Room 107. Remember, the classes that benefit our community vary, and the types of classes offered in the Billings Adult are all very different. Check the course catalog; in it you’ll find that there are classes on fly fishing, real estate, yoga, business skills and development, dance, camera skills, art skills, etc. Basically, anything that can benefit the lives of the members of our community has a chance of becoming a class.
What Happens When a Class Proposal is Accepted
If you are someone who has never before taught a class in the district—or if the time between your last class and now is greater than two years—you will need to fill out a required application packet. With the packet completed and returned to Human Resources, you will be ready to teach your class. The amount of hourly compensation for teachers depends on the times at which the class is taught: teachers earn $30.62 for nighttime classes and $26.86 for daytime.
Your particular class must also meet a certain enrolment to proceed, and each teacher will be able to check his or her enrollment numbers one week before the class is scheduled to begin. If the enrollment is met, the teacher can pick up his or her class packet at the Lincoln Center, in Room 107. Yes, teachers will be required to keep track of attendance, time sheets, and evaluations.
Remember that classes offered through the Billings Adult Community Education Program are diverse, and it’s very possible that you have a class that could continue to bolster that diversity.