Billings Community Education Online Medical Classes | Real estate Class billings
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Real estate Class billings

17 Sep Real Estate Classes

Did you know that the Billings Community Adult Education program offers courses in real estate? It’s true. Real estate has become an important and red-hot industry in our community since COVID, and if you are ready for a career change, or are looking to bolster...

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13 Jul Classes to Potentially Boost Your Business…

Did you know that Billings Adult Community Education offers many different courses that will help you in the pursuit of your current or future career? The course topics are numerous, and include computer business software—software such as the Microsoft Suite (Word and Office, etc.) and...

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07 Mar Personal Enrichment

It can be hard to dedicate time to something new. Incredibly difficult to be able to dedicate time and energy to something that is outside of our everyday routines. Studies show that people are much happier and healthier, that people live longer lives simply because...

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03 Aug Why Should You Take a Hobby Class?

It can be difficult, especially when life is busy, to do something only for the sake of enrichment. It’s easier to stick to the things we know, and the types of things we already do; it’s easier to be in routine. But did you know...

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08 Jul Become a CNA: Receive Your Certificate at Billings Adult Community Education

Are you interested in working in healthcare but aren’t sure where to start? Well, the Billings Adult Community Education program offers training to receive your certificate to work as a CNA. CNA’s, or Certified Nurse Assistant, are an important component to today’s modern healthcare system....

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07 Apr Teach A Class

Members of a community benefit from a diversity of skills. So, if you are someone who has a particular skill and has developed the idea to build a class based around that particular skill, and believe that the class you’ve developed would benefit our community,...

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