Billings Community Education Online Medical Classes | Accounting Certificate Program Billings MT
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Accounting Certificate Program Billings MT

03 Aug Accounting Classes Billings MT

Accounting is a rewarding and important job. It’s a job that most anyone can do, and it’s an in-demand profession through which employees can earn a reliable salary and benefits, working in an office setting. Entry-level positions within accounting include payroll, accounts receivable and payable,...

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05 May Business Skills

When you look through the catalog at the courses offered, you might notice that for a few of the certificate programs, there are requirements listed that don’t, at first, appear to have anything to do with the certification. You might notice that there are skill...

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02 Jul Small Business Support

When things return to normal for the Billings Community Adult education program, you’ll likely find classes offered in the catalog that bolster professional and technical skills related to business. Today’s economic climate is unstable, but there is one thing every business needs to succeed in...

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17 Sep Start a Small Business…

Amazingly, there are over 28 million small businesses operating within the United States; even more amazing, small businesses make up over ninety-nine percent of all U.S. businesses. And there are plenty of reasons why the small business model is a terrific option for so many people: creation of...

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14 Aug The Arts:

We often talk about the terrific career advancement and certificate programs offered through the Billings Community Adult Education Program and for good reason. But what you may not yet know is that the catalogue is also chock-full of courses on art and personal enrichment. If...

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08 May Important Business Skills

Important Business Skills  You may notice, while perusing the requirements within the Billings Adult Community Education program, that there are course topics listed that either don’t pertain to the certificate/course offered, or that could be considered too basic for the budding professional. For instance, when you...

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07 Apr Don’t Waste Time: Reasons to Achieve Your HSE Diploma

In America, over thirty-five million adults do not have a high school diploma. That’s an unfortunately staggering number considering the current job market, and the growing premium most modern employers put on education. In the past, there were types of jobs/employers that hired employees without...

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07 Jun Keep the Mind Young: Take Up a Hobby to Help Prevent Memory Loss

For years, people have long considered brain games as a way to keep the brain sharp. Brain games have become big business, and the popularity of games like Sudoku and Crossword has exploded. Years and years people have touted the notion that these games help...

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