03 Nov Accounting Certificate Program Billings MT
Have you ever considered working in accounting? Have ever wondered what it would be like to work in an office setting, working at a job you find rewarding and important? Well, Billings Adult Education offers an accounting certificate, which, once earned, will qualify you to work at entry-level positions within accounting, such as payroll, accounts receivable and payable, even record- and book-keeping. Positions like these do open doors for advancement in a career that seems impervious to the ever-changing economy, because businesses will most likely always have a need for basic accounting positions.
What will I learn?
The accounting certificate program will teach you basic keyboard skills—yes, you will learn to type efficiently, and you will also learn the basic functions on the keyboard. You will also learn computer fundamentals, so for those of you who have never attempted a career path because you lacked basic computer skills, then this class is for you. You will learn the office suite of Microsoft programs, which are the foundations in most any office. These programs include: Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Access—you will learn to navigate these programs efficiently and confidently. You will also learn to use QuickBooks, which has become the most ubiquitous accounting program in today’s modern office setting. In addition to computer skills, there will be courses for basic math skills, reading skills, administrative skills, and business communications skills. And, in addition to all of these courses, there will also be ample course time in the subject of accounting, with three courses advancing in complexity.
What do I do when I’ve received my certificate?
The accounting certificate prepares you for most any office place entry-level accounting position, unless the position requires education or experience beyond the capability of an accounting certificate. You may find yourself applying for jobs both in the corporate office setting, or maybe even small business or not-for-profit organizations. You will be qualified to do basic entry-level accounting work, which is a start to building a resume of experience for what could be a lasting and fulfilling career.
Contact Billings Adult and Community Education if you are interested in our Accounting Certificate Program!